Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is Grandpa Going To Die?

I was just in telling my two "big" girls good night after a very long day. Of course when it's very late and I'm so very tired, one of my children will inevitably ask a question I can't ignore. Ali started asking questions about her Grandpa Ellis, who is sick. Five years ago, his breast cancer returned after many years of being in remission--this time to infiltrate his bones and lungs. Recently he seems to be declining at a quickened pace.

I feel like no matter how bleak the situation may seem, we should always hold out hope and keep praying for a miracle. How can God ever grant us one if we don't believe it's possible or even bother to ask? The older kids and I have been talking about it. Of course I explain the part about God's will, but I firmly believe that we miss out on so many blessings because we just don't ask. I don't pretend to know all the reasons why we fail to ask. I just know that in my case, I fear having my hopes dashed if God decides what I want isn't what He wants. So many of our hearts are going to break into a million little pieces if or when it happens, that I figure having our hopes dashed will be minimal compared to the loss we will feel at his passing. The kids and I are going to hold out for a miracle.

Cate was listening as Ali and I discussed Grandpa's situtaion. She asked me if he was going to die. I told her that Grandpa is really sick, that he has cancer. That was all she needed to hear. She broke into sobs. "All I want to do is just go be with Grandpa and take care of him." I told her we might try and go in November. She said she didn't want to wait that long, that we should "go, like the day after tomorrow." Maybe we should. She's feels so sad that all her grandpas will be gone if Grandpa Ellis dies. She loves this wonderful giant of man with all her heart--so much emotion and love bundled up in such a tiny little 4 year old. I just wanted to take her in my arms and hold her until the hurt was all squeezed out. I can't just whip out a bandaid and make this one better. This is deep. This is gut wrenchingly real. This is when I have no place to go, but to the Lord. And pray with all my heart that He'll take this sweet little one in His arms and comfort her like only He can do. I pray that He will...


Seriously... said...

We love Bro. Ellis too! I didn't realize he wasn't doing well. We will be praying for him too.

Tricia said...

My turn to cry. My heart hurts for all of you. One of my lifelong struggles is knowing what to pray for- for all the reasons you expressed. I could go on and on... Can we be comps again for just a couple of days so we can sort some of these things out??

Neener said...

Oh Tina and John I am so sorry that your are travelling down this road again. Death is a part of this great plan yet it is so hard to deal with. I shall keep your family in our prayers and that your children will be comforted.
Much love

Kelli Proctor said...

oh wow Tina, how sweet is she?! Sounds to me like you guys need to go soon! This totally brought a tear to my eye! I am going to be sad when he passes away so I cannot even fathom how you guys will feel! He is an incredible man who makes everyone so happy and constantly serving, he will be missed by so many! Love you, and lots of prayers for you guys! Love you!

Rebecca said...

Out of the mouths of babes!
My heart hurts for all of you. I know he is a good man to have raised your husband. My prayers are with you. Love ya!

Anne Marie said...

What sweet kids. And, they're so lucky to have a mom with such wisdom and love. So sorry for your father-in-law. I'm hoping that the Lord will continue to provide all of you with love and peace. This is especially sad since your dad's passing was not very long ago. Sending you all a big hug.

Christi said...

What beautiful insight and such a good mother. You are an example to me. I love Jim and have so admired him for his love of life and his service to others. He has had a quality life. I will pray for a miracle too...but maybe the Lord has a special mission for these men to do and needs them home. With all his physical trials I think he has been given a gift of life. We must carry on his legacy.

I love you all and wish I were there for you. I will just work harder here and send my prayers.


Dina said...

Love you guys!!! This totally stinks. We'll be praying for Grandpa Ellis... Give each kid a huge hug from Aunt Dina.

Andrea said...

I love Mary's positive attitude about this whole thing. At the park the other day, when asked about Jim said, "He was diagnosed with breast cancer 22 years ago, we have been blessed to have him for 22 years, he has been able to live a full life, get his children grown, it has been a blessing". I will always remember her positive outlook on life.