Monday, November 3, 2008

Not Pregnant

My kids asked me if I was pregnant when they saw me in my costume, so lest we start any rumors, I am not pregnant as the Hippy costume photo may suggest. Just wearing mounds and mounds of material that likes to bunch in all the wrong places.

Happy Birthday John! And, Happy Halloween!

John's Birthday is October 30th, so we've made it an unofficial tradition that we eat something pumpkinny and make Jack-O-Lanterns to celebrate. Since John is less interested in celebrating his birthday than spending time in a craft store, it becomes all about the kids (aside from the steak dinner from me and the two day gun seminar in Vegas, the concealed weapons carrier course and a bulk case of ammunition from his dad.) Are we noticing a theme here? Needless to say, he had a very happy birthday and as usual, the kids benefitted as well.

Halloween was an all month process. It started with a trip to the Goodwill. Five kids and me scouring the aisles for 30 grueling minutes. It all payed off though and we left with some pretty groovy things. As you will probably notice, the theme for our family was "Hippy." We learned many things while preparing for the big night:

1. The family that tye dyes together, gets hugely messy together.
2. Converting old jeans into bell bottoms and long skirts is more complex than it looks.
3. Babies do not like to wear bandannas.
4. Five year old fabric glue does not hold up to a washing.
5. I can learn how to use my sewing machine after all.
6. My husband is officially the hottest guy I know.

Grandma and Grandpa Ellis were here for the festivities and got to witness our madness first hand. We had a lot of fun with them, appreciate their senses of humor. And, love going to Costco with them! Thanks for good times Grandma and Grandpa!

After all the hard work, Halloween night was a success. John was the hit of the Ward Trunk or Treat. Ian, Ben and Ali decorated our trunk and did a fabulous job with spiderwebs and streamers. They collected as much candy as possible, so they could sell it to us when they got home. Entrepeneurs at heart! Good times at the Ellis house!