"It didn't work! But that's okay. I'm wrapped in the arms of my Savior's love. Jesus still loves me even though it didn't fly!"
It was windy and Cate quickly made a kite out of one sheet of printer paper and 5' of yarn. When she took it onto the deck to fly, you can imagine how well it worked. (March 2010)
"Ian! Such a fool!"
(with all the drama her little 4 year old self could muster) Cate's reaction when she discovered that her big brother had moved her art binder when she wasn't looking. (August 2009)
"I'm bigger than lots of smaller kids!"
Cate's response to another 3 year old at least twice her size who had just told her, "I'm big." She will argue everytime somebody tries to tell her they're bigger than her. I guess this one was just too obvious for even Cate to debate. (August 4, 2008 In-N-Out Burger - Kingman, AZ )
Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up, Cate?
A trilingual Two Year Old! Now that's some serious Homeschooling! Do you contract out??
How cute is she! That hat is seriously adorable.
Oh my goodness! How much do I LOVE her! I seriously LOVE her!
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