Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lessons at 3 o'clock in the Morning...

Very early this morning John and I awoke to a vomitting child and spent the next hour comforting, bathing, and washing bedding. Somewhere in the middle of my fog, a very clear recollection of a conversation I had had with a friend less than 24 hours earlier came slamming into my mind. I had been discussing the merits of healthy eating. "Our family simply doesn't get sick very often," I said. "I know a healthy diet can't stave off all illness, but I'm sure it makes a difference." So, in the midst of wiping throw up out of my daughter's hair, I had the distinct impression that although it's important to take care of our bodies, it truly is God's grace that makes good health and all blessings we receive in this life possible. It's surely not because of any measly power I have that my heart beats continually or that my body functions properly at all.

I think I'll be calling my friend back today...


Anne Marie said...

I do hope your family isn't sick for long. That's so funny that you had just had that conversation with your friend. I do think healthy eating does help our immune systems recover quicker, but at least for me, it definitely doesn't mean never getting sick. My hubby spends a maximum of 1 day a year sick in bed. The funny thing is that I eat so much healthier than he does. He's the dessert lover and almost never eats a green salad. Ha! I get sick at least 10 times more than he does. I am grateful that at least he can use his work's sick days for taking care of us. Hope the vomiting ends soon for your family. Yuck!

Tina said...

So far, it's only been one kid. She took a nap yesterday--no fever and is back to normal today. We'll keep our hopes up that no one else gets it.

Tricia said...

Absolutely. When I think about last week, the first thing that comes to mind are my prayers all week long. I know that He has a plan for health, just as He has a plan for happiness, so I'm trying to live as if it's all up to me to follow that plan, but at the same time, I know that He is the one who gives and takes away life, regardless of what I do or do not do. And sometimes, whether by human consequence, the nature of life itself, or God's design, it's just not in the cards to be healthy or live long. So, I do my best with what I CAN control, and leave the rest up to God, grateful for the health he does grant us.

I'm running at the mouth here. I realize I'm preaching to the choir girl. =)

Kelli Proctor said...

So we are so sisters, we are so on the same wave length! Not just seconds before I clicked on your blog I was thinking how we rely so much on drs and vaccinations to ease our minds from thinking our kids are immune from illnesses when we should really pray more that our kids wont get sick! God has more power than any vaccination....just a thought...

Andrea said...

I love your insight. We need to be thankful for our health every day.