Monday, June 7, 2010

After all this time, am I still allowed to post?

It's been several months since my last post. Since then, my sweet husband lost his job with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and life as we knew it sort of vanished. John continues to work for Sodexo, only now his work keeps him on the road 100% of the time. We see him for a long weekend every 10 days.

He just left tonight to catch a red-eye back to Ohio. He'll arrive in Detroit at 6:30 am and drive to work where he'll put in a full day. Keep up long hours all week. Spend a weekend hanging out with his Courtyard buddies. Start over again on Monday. Keep up the same pace until he catches a red-eye back to Phoenix. And then, somewhere between exhaustion and unconsciousness drive home to Prescott to attempt some quality time with his family.

Sometimes I forget to tell him that he's my hero. Sometimes I wonder why in my ambush of words from the moment he walks in the door, right up until the moment he leaves, I seem to leave out the important ones--like "I believe in you" and "thank-you."

This has been a challenging time for all of us, but I've truly felt the Lord's hand in every aspect of it. I feel that everything has happened for a reason and is as it should be for the time. For some reason, I lost sight of that beautiful perspective that's been sustaining me these past months and let anxiety and worry get the best of me this weekend. When I begin to let negative emotions rule my heart, my mind goes into overdrive and heaven help the person standing closest to me! Out of my mouth comes every uncensored thought and feeling I've had pent up in there for longer than I chose to be aware of.

So, my point in all of this?

I just want to let the good man in my life know that I believe in him. I want to tell him thank you. Forever will I be grateful for his greatness of spirit, his goodness, his uncompromising willingness to do the very hardest things to make his family happy and comfortable.

I love you John. See you soon...