Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My More Feminine Side...

Feeling the need to clear the air from my latest post. Here's to lightening the mood...It's my most recent project. I know that organizing stuff is not energizing for all women, but it is so therapeutic for me. These shelves are my pride and joy and I hesitate sharing them like I might hesitate sharing my own poetry (if I wrote poetry). They're my own personal work of art.
When chaos is winning (as it often does) in my homeschooling world and I can't seem to do anything about it, all I have to do is walk into my little laundry room and breathe in the order. Somehow it helps me face whatever is waiting for me outside of that tiny space. It has been a life saver for me so far this year--especially the pink peony in the white basket. It's truly the simple things that make all the difference!

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Friday--9/11/09. I'm supposed to be cleaning my house, but I'm actually just wandering aimlessly through it, as the thoughts running through my mind accumulate to the point of overload. If I don't sort them out into something a little more concrete, I may spontaneously combust. I hope you'll indulge me. Right now I'm wishing I were more clever than I really am. Oh how I wish I could eloquently and pointedly transfer my feelings into words, but today you just get plain speech.

First of all, my heart is with all of the people who were personally affected by the trajedy that occurred 8 years ago today. I remember the day vividly. So many emotions and feelings--deep sadness, fear, numbness. The only thing I can think to do about it today, is to put as much good into the world as I can--hoping somehow to counteract the evil that perpetrated such a horrible act.

Second, I'm absolutely beginning to lose my mind over this whole health care issue! I admit that I do not have all the facts surrounding it. I don't want to offend anyone. And, I truly welcome any opposing views. I would love to hear a logical argument for the other side. Please know I'm just exercising my freedom to express (with a vengeance).

I just can't imagine how this can be a good thing. Since when have we trusted politicians to tell the truth and do the altuistic thing? Since when has a government program been known for it's efficiency and ability to cut costs? In one breath, I hear people complaining about medicare (a government run program) and then advocating government run healthcare. Am I the only one who thinks this is abosultely asinine? If the government can't make medicare work, how on earth can it take on the whole system and do better?

I feel like John and I try to do our part to be altruistic, donating Americans. We give of our means freely and happily to those who are less fortunate. Please bear with me for a minute. I'm only sharing this to make a point. President Obama has shared his feeling that it's time for all of us to step up and take a hit for the good of the nation. It angers me to no end that he feels it's his duty to decide how, when and where I will give. Haven't we already been taxed enough? If the government is so efficient, why don't they start cutting some of the fat from the many government programs that already exist and find a way to pour those resources into helping those who don't have health insurance. What about the stimulus money? Where has that all gone? I haven't heard of a single person who has been able to save their home from bankruptcy because of the money that was supposedly earmarked for them--and I know several people who have or are in the process of losing their homes. Has anyone heard what good the money has accomplished? I'm afraid the only thing it may end up accomplishing is crushing our economy. If that happens, who will pay end up paying for the new healthcare system?

I do agree that there are many problems with our current system. I'm not so ignorant as to be blind to the fact that we need change. I just feel that people are so eager to condemn the evil corporations, that they don't stop to think about the trade they're making. Evil corporations vs. honest, caring politician? Talk about jumping out of the frying pan...

I know many people that are completely entranced by the eloquence and charisma of our new president. I watch them on tv too, as they practically swoon and faint in his presence. They seem to lap up every word that oozes from his lips without ever once checking the facts. He has all the charm and zeal of a televangelist. Wait! That's it!! Instead of compelling me to pay for this trainwreck, why doesn't he just swagger around a little bit on television, make a few emply promises, tell us we'll be healed if we just send him a check--no more worries. The bigger the check, the bigger the miracle. He has enough besotted, worshipping followers, he'd make a killing. It would be of their own free will and choice and boom--Health Care Jim Bakker style!